What Would Martin Say?

What Would Martin Say?

CELEBRATING THE LEGACY ~ REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. January 15, 1929 ~ April 4, 1968 The journey toward Freedom continues despite The crushing setbacks. The illustration for this blogpost by artist Louis Delsarte captures the fervor of Dr. Martin Luther King,...
Are you in control?

Are you in control?

I’ve been checking in on myself lately, checking in on my feelings. Am I in control? Or am I out of control in any given situation? What I’m noticing is that I could use some leveling up when it comes to emotional maturity. Sure, I’m only human. But do I really want...
Parallels Between Gratitude & Faith

Parallels Between Gratitude & Faith

“Excelsior!” Or, as translated from the Latin: “Onward! Upward!” This is my wish for you as we enter our New Year. May you reach heights higher than you ever dreamed possible. Yes! Onward. Upward. I trust that you are poised to make all your dreams for 2021 come true....

Until All My Brothers & Sisters Are Free

The Fourth of July is a farce when it comes down to Black Folks’ Freedom “Why us always have family reunion on July 4th?” asks Alice Walker’s character Henrietta in “The Color Purple.”Harpo replies:  “White people busy celebrating they independence from...


How do we, as Black people, navigate the onslaught of being the most vulnerable during this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic, along with the continued terroristic acts committed against us every single day? How do we deal with the pain of seeing these atrocities...